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Community Service & Senior Shadow Project Info

Community Service Project Information: Completion of community service is  a graduation requirement from Berkshire High School (BHS), designed to encourage citizenship as part of the district's goal of "Maximizing each student's potential as an individual and as a responsible citizen." All high school students are required to submit forty (40) hours of approved community service in order to be eligible to graduate from BHS. These service hours are to be earned over the course of students' time during grades 9-12.  Here are some specifics about the requirements:

  • Students must complete forty (40) hours. Only twenty (20) of the forty (40) community service hours can be connected to an activity on Berkshire's campus or connected with Berkshire schools. Any non-Berkshire related hours must be complete in outside opportunities which benefit the community.  

  • For students in the Class of 2025, forty (40) hours must be submitted on a hard copy of the form linked here by Friday, April 25, 2025.  This form can be emailed to the Community Service Advisor, Mrs. Riley-Farrow,  at or dropped off in the high school main office for approval; 

  • Community service is considered to be something that positively impacts the community from which the student receives no compensation or peripheral benefit. For instance, raising money for an athletic team or club that a student participates with should not be used; 

  • Community service cannot be completed with a for-profit business unless the business is participating in a fundraiser for another event from which they are not profiting. For instance, a student cannot volunteer to work for free at a business, but can participate in a Toys for Tots fundraiser organized by the business; 

  • Approved community service should go beyond the expectations of being a good family member or neighbor -  therefore, community service hours will not be awarded to students that, for example, rake leaves for a grandparent or elderly neighbor;

  • Community service should be completed outside of regular school hours; 

  • Community service cannot be signed off on by a parent or family member. The form should be completed and signed by the community organizer/supervisor. One form is required for each service experience (although you can combine several dates at one experience on a single form); 

  • Service hours can be completed through a church outreach programs that positively impact the community (i.e. providing meals, service projects, etc) but cannot be affiliated with the worship service (i.e. being an alter boy or usher, etc.); 

  • Students and parents/guardians can view the total amount of hours currently completed and turned into the school by going to Infinite Campus and clicking on ‘More’; 

  • Some ideas for volunteering include Public Libraries; Local Firehouses; Tutoring; Big Brothers/Big Sisters; Geauga UH or other Local Hospitals; Community Care organizations; Rescue Village; Dog Warden; Lake Humane Society; Pancake Breakfasts for Firehouses, Legion Halls, Museum Grounds;  Meals on Wheels; Habitat for Humanity; Fundraising Events for Local Non-Profit Organizations; Local Food Pantries/Food Banks; Latchkey; Berkshire Recreation Coach/Referee; Local Granges; Fieldstone Therapeutic Riding; Local Events (Apple Butter, Country Hearth Christmas; Troy Homecoming, etc.); Local Nursing Homes; Red Cross; Salvation Army; Relay for Life; Education Services Center Summer Camp Volunteer; Organized Clean Up Days; Geauga County YMCA; 

Senior Shadow Project Information: The Berkshire High School Senior Shadow Project is designed to provide interested seniors with the opportunity to work on a meaningful, independent project within an area of interest. Seniors can complete this graduation requirement by selecting one of two options: (1) the Senior Job Shadow Experience OR (2) The Senior Shadow Alternative Project.  Students complete the Senior Job Experience off campus from May 5-15 while the Senior Shadow Alternative Project is completed at school from May 5-15.  Click here to see more information about the Senior Job Shadow Experience OR the Senior Shadow Alternative Project.

For questions, please contact Mrs. Riley-Farrow, faculty coordinator for the Senior Shadow Project at




Important Links

Service Project Guidelines & Overview

Volunteer Service Forms to Fill Out


Seniors community service hours are due on Friday, April 25, 2025










2025 Senior Shadow Project Information 

Important Dates
TBA: Senior Service Project Proposal Due
April 25: Final Grade Check to Determine Eligibility
May 2: Senior Shadow Students' Last Day
May 5-9: Senior Shadow Project Week
May 12-15: Senior Exit Interviews 
May 14: Alternative Project Due 
May 15: Seniors' Last Day