Principal's Message
Fall 2022
Dear Badger High School students, parents, and community members:
Welcome to the 2022-23 School Year!
To those of you who are joining the Berkshire High School community for the first time, and to those of you who are returning, we extend a warm welcome for the 2022-23 school year. As partners in education, the Berkshire High School staff is confident that you and your child will have a successful and safe school year. My job is to ensure that the 2022-23 school year will be a positive experience for both students and parents.
I am excited to begin my second year as the principal of Berkshire High School. We welcome the opening of the brand new K-12 building for the 2022-23 school year! The ribbon cutting ceremony and grand opening of the campus takes place on August 9, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.
Berkshire Local Schools are committed to providing an exciting and innovative learning environment that stimulates the development of valuable critical-thinking, collaboration, decision-making and inquiry skills. Our mission is maximizing each student’s potential as an individual and as a responsible citizen. The new K-12 building features a variety of learning spaces to facilitate Project -Based Learning.
Berkshire High School offers a wide variety of courses to meet individual student academic needs. We strive to collaboratively work with parents and students to take advantage of the many educational opportunities that are available. To learn more about class offerings, read the Berkshire High School Course Selection Guide.
Berkshire High School was recently named to the U.S. News and World Reports Best High Schools in national ranking list. Berkshire High School earned such a placement on this annual ranking list for a variety of important indicators, including student participation in Advanced Placement exams, mathematics proficiency, reading proficiency, science proficiency and overall graduation rate.
You can help your student have a successful school year by ensuring regular and punctual school attendance, by helping your student develop good work habits, by practicing respectful behaviors at home, and encouraging your student to become involved in school-sponsored athletics and/or clubs.
The most effective way to stay up-to-date with the happenings of Berkshire High School is to read Principal Updates. Click here to access the Principal Update archives.
It’s a great day to be a Badger!
Jon Franks, Principal
Berkshire High School